Nau Devi Darshan Yatra: Best Time to Visit and Essential Tips

Nau Devi Darshan Yatra

A profound spiritual journey, the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra gives tourists the chance to see nine sacred temples devoted to Goddess Durga. With its deep religious importance, this journey draws followers from all over the world. Making the most of this holy pilgrimage requires advance planning. In-depth information on the ideal time to travel as well as crucial advice to guarantee a positive and easy yatra trip are provided below.

Understanding the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra

The Nau Devi Darshan Yatra encompasses visits to nine significant temples, each dedicated to a different manifestation of Goddess Durga. These temples are primarily located in the northern Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. The nine temples included in this revered pilgrimage are:

Nau Devi Darshan Yatra

  1. Mata Vaishno Devi (Katra, Jammu & Kashmir)
  2. Mata Chamunda Devi (Kangra, Himachal Pradesh)
  3. Mata Jwala Ji (Kangra, Himachal Pradesh)
  4. Mata Brajeshwari Devi (Kangra, Himachal Pradesh)
  5. Mata Chintpurni Devi (Una, Himachal Pradesh)
  6. Mata Naina Devi (Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh)
  7. Mata Mansa Devi (Panchkula, Haryana)
  8. Mata Sheetla Devi (Gurugram, Haryana)
  9. Mata Kalka Devi (Kalka, Haryana)

Best Time to Visit

Spring Season (March to May)

The spring season is arguably the best time to undertake the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra. During these months, the weather is pleasant, making travel comfortable. The temperature ranges from 15°C to 25°C, ideal for both day and night excursions. Moreover, the blooming flowers and lush greenery enhance the overall pilgrimage experience.

Autumn Season (September to November)

Autumn is another favorable period for the yatra. The temperatures during these months are moderate, ranging from 10°C to 20°C. This season also coincides with several important Hindu festivals, including Navratri, which is dedicated to Goddess Durga. Participating in the yatra during Navratri adds a special spiritual significance, as the temples are beautifully decorated and vibrant festivities are held.

Monsoon Season (June to August)

While the monsoon season brings lush landscapes and rejuvenates nature, it is generally not recommended for the yatra due to heavy rains. The regions around the temples can become slippery and challenging to navigate. Landslides and roadblocks are common, which can disrupt travel plans.

Winter Season (December to February)

Winters in the northern regions of India can be quite harsh, especially in the hilly areas where most of the temples are located. The temperatures can drop below freezing, particularly at night. However, if you are well-prepared for cold weather and wish to experience the serene beauty of snow-clad temples, winter can be a unique time to visit. Ensure to carry adequate winter clothing and gear.

Essential Tips for the Yatra

Advance Planning and Bookings

Given the popularity of the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra, especially during peak seasons and festivals, it is advisable to plan and book accommodations and travel well in advance. Many temples also offer online booking for darshan passes, which can save time and avoid long queues.

Health and Fitness

The pilgrimage involves a considerable amount of walking and trekking, particularly to temples like Mata Vaishno Devi and Mata Naina Devi. It is essential to be in good physical condition. Regular exercise and stamina-building activities, such as brisk walking and yoga, can help prepare for the yatra. Carry necessary medications, and consult with your doctor if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

Appropriate Clothing and Footwear

Dress modestly and appropriately for the yatra, respecting the religious customs. Comfortable, breathable clothing and sturdy walking shoes are a must. Layered clothing is recommended to adapt to varying temperatures. Carry a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against the sun, and a light jacket or shawl for cooler evenings.

Travel Essentials

Prepare a checklist of travel essentials to ensure a hassle-free journey. This should include:

  • Identification documents (Aadhar card, voter ID, etc.)
  • Yatra registration slips (if applicable)
  • Cash (ATMs may not be readily available in remote areas)
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Power bank
  • First-aid kit
  • Snacks and water bottle

Respect Local Customs and Traditions

Each temple on the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra has its own set of customs and rituals. It is important to respect these traditions, which may include removing footwear before entering the temple premises, dressing conservatively, and maintaining silence in the sanctum sanctorum. Follow the guidance of temple authorities and participate in the rituals with devotion and reverence.

Environmental Responsibility

The regions encompassing the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra are rich in natural beauty and biodiversity. As responsible pilgrims, it is our duty to maintain cleanliness and protect the environment. Avoid littering, use designated waste bins, and refrain from using plastic as much as possible. Participate in eco-friendly practices and support local conservation efforts.

Temple Highlights and Experiences

Mata Vaishno Devi

One of the most significant temples in the yatra, Mata Vaishno Devi, is located in the Trikuta Mountains. Pilgrims undertake a 12 km trek from Katra to reach the holy cave shrine. The journey, filled with chants of “Jai Mata Di,” is a spiritually uplifting experience. Battery-operated vehicles, ponies, and palanquins are available for those who need assistance.

Mata Chamunda Devi

Situated on the banks of the Baner River, the temple offers stunning views of the Dhauladhar range. The deity here is revered as the slayer of demons Chanda and Munda, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

Mata Jwala Ji

Known for its eternal flame that burns without any fuel, Mata Jwala Ji temple is a marvel. The flame is believed to be the manifestation of the goddess, and it leaves devotees in awe of its divine nature.

Mata Brajeshwari Devi

Located in Kangra, this temple is known for its rich history and stunning architecture. It was rebuilt multiple times after being destroyed by invaders and earthquakes, showcasing the resilience of faith.

Mata Chintpurni Devi

Pilgrims visit this temple to seek blessings and relief from worries (chinta). It is believed that the goddess fulfills the desires of her devotees who approach her with a pure heart.

Mata Naina Devi

Perched on a hilltop, the temple offers panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. The legend associated with this temple is that the eyes of Goddess Sati fell here, giving it its name ‘Naina’ (eyes).

Mata Mansa Devi

This temple, located in the Shivalik hills, is visited by devotees who seek the fulfillment of their wishes. The temple complex is extensive and offers a serene atmosphere for worship.

Mata Sheetla Devi

Situated in Gurugram, this temple is dedicated to Goddess Sheetla, the deity of smallpox. Devotees visit to seek protection from diseases and blessings for good health.

Mata Kalka Devi

Located in Kalka, this temple marks the end of the Nau Devi Darshan Yatra. It is a prominent site, especially during the Navratri festival, attracting a large number of devotees.


The Nau Devi Darshan Yatra is not just a pilgrimage; it is a journey of faith, devotion, and self-discovery. By planning your trip during the ideal seasons and following the essential tips outlined above, you can ensure a spiritually enriching and smooth experience. May your yatra be blessed with divine grace and fulfillment?

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